A letter has now been received by Venango Township from MacDonald Illig Attorneys in response to the planning commission’s recommendation to reject the conditional use permit for Wilson Solar.
The letter goes into some detail outlining their disagreement with the planning commission and further states that they believe only the supervisors have jurisdiction in deciding conditional use applications.
Birch Creek does not seem to be concerned that the planning commission recommends rejection of the permit or that the community at large does not want it.
It now lies in the hands of the supervisors. Do the supervisors represent the citizens of Venango Township or Birch Creek Development? The vote on January 8th will answer that question.
Just who does Birch Creek think they are? They’re trying to tell the supervisors and the planning commission what their responsibilities are in relation to Birch Creek’s interests. This is the type of company that wants to step all over us and their response is telling. The supervisors and boards are supposed to have the citizens best interests as their responsibilities, not some faceless, heartless company that plans on exploiting us, our resources and tax dollars. To our supervisors, stand up for your constituents, stand with the planning board and vote no against this needless, wasteful project. This is what you will be remembered for. This will be your legacy. Don’t become pariahs in your community, be the leaders that listen to your constituents, friends and neighbors. Vote no!
The supervisors are elected by the citizens of this community although they may not work directly for me they do work and are paid for by the citizens of this community and as far as I’m concerned we damn sure do have a say and I along with many many of the citizens of this community vote no in fact I vote hell no
As Representative Banta told us about the solar field that caught fire in NY state and it took 4 days for someone to show up to put it out. Do the township supervisors think these solar fields are safe?? CADIUM ISN’T SAFE!! We have other dump sites in the neighborhood and french creek doesn’t need more. The electric cars aren’t selling and this fad is a joke. The taxpayers have spoken.
The township gave Birchcreek/Wilson Solar a courtesy of 30 days to respond to the Planning Commision’s recommendation on conditional use. They were 2 days late. Sorry guys, you missed your deadline, your response should be irrelevant.
Hello all,
As the elected Representative of the 4th Legislative District. I have listened to many concerns from constituents on this Solar Panel Project proposal. The results have been an overwhelming majority opposing it. For this reason and my own research on this and other proposed solar projects in the district I have been asked to review. I stand with the majority of the people against it. I think all of us want the opportunity for prosperity in whatever means possible. But not at the expense here being asked and for so little return. There will be other opportunities that will likely come that will be less infringing on our way of life. I VOTE NO.