When government officials are trying to sort out the details on issues like the solar project, it’s easy to forget that discussions and decisions must take place in public.
Pennsylvania Sunshine Act
It’s almost humorous that legislation called the Sunshine Act governs the decision making process for this solar project, but the act itself is very serious. Simply stated, the Sunshine Act:
… requires agencies to deliberate and take official action on agency business in an open and public meeting. It requires that meetings have prior notice, and that the public can attend, participate, and comment before an agency takes that official action.
After the public hearing, it was obvious there was a lot to consider before the supervisors could make any decision, but it’s very important that any discussions about it take place in public. The whole purpose of the Sunshine Act is to prevent “backroom deals.” The public must be informed every step of the way and given an opportunity to make comments and ask questions.
What does it say?
Complete text of the Sunshine Act
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Sunshine Act – PA Office of Open Records
If you have never read this legislation, you can follow the links above to understand exactly what’s in it. It’s really important. Start with the FAQ. It’s easy to read and makes it very clear.
For the supervisors who likely know all of this, it’s just a gentle reminder.