Robert Bryce, who has written several very good books on the topic of energy, just published an article explaining the massive increase in solar subsides being showered on the solar energy industry. It explains why we’re seeing so many projects popping up almost everywhere. Throw money at an industry and a lot of people will jump in with their hands out.
… some of America’s biggest corporations, including NextEra Energy and MidAmerican Energy, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, are collecting billions of dollars in tax credits and they stand to collect untold billions more in the coming years thanks to the IRA.
It’s not about electricity, it’s about money
Solar energy is about the money, and lots of it. Developers descend onto a small town, offer landowners money for the use of their property and then, if the local government approves their application for a special or conditional use permit, they blanket the properties involved with solar panels, leave town and collect their money while moving on to their next unsuspecting target.
Berkshire Hathaway, referred to in the above quote, is Warren Buffet’s company that’s been collecting on renewable energy for years, wind and solar. His now infamous quote in Fortune magazine referring to his wind investments explains:
I will do anything that is basically covered by the law to reduce Berkshire’s tax rate, for example, on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.
Now, they’re focusing on solar for the same reason. Government tax credits to investors make the industry grow even when there’s no demand for what they’re building. They profit and everyone else pays whether they want it or not.
You don’t need to accept this
A lot of townships and counties across the country have been rejecting these projects. How many? Well Robert Bryce has done a wonderful job of assembling a database that’s well worth a bit of your time: The Renewable Rejection Database. (click on “table” to see a detailed listing) Those local governments rejected the application for a conditional use permit and Venango Township should do the same.
It’s becoming increasingly clear, that without government subsidies to the grid scale solar industry, there is no grid scale solar industry.
Solar Energy Is Getting 200 Times More In Federal Subsidies Than Nuclear
Books by Robert Bryce:
A Question of Power: Electricity and the Wealth of Nations
Power Hungry: The Myths of “”Green”” Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future
Do you have any info on the wattsburg solar project what took place at the meeting and etc
When asked for a show of hands, nearly 100% of the very large audience were AGAINST the solar farm in Venango Township.
The meeting was very well attended and if the informal show of hands was any indication, everyone is against this project. Many residents stood up and explained why they don’t think this project should be approved. PA state Representative Jake Banta also expressed his opposition to the project based on what was being proposed.
Representatives from Wilson Solar and Birch Creek Development gave their description of what the project would entail as well as an engineer who gave some detail on the drawing of the layout. They explained there had been one change in the proposed map, one of the properties should not have been included in the drawing and the panels shown on it were moved to another location. As a result, the amount of area where trees would be removed was reduced from 155 acres to 125 acres approximately.
It was interesting that Birch Creek’s presentation was a question and answer format, interesting because they both asked the questions and answered them. One of their attorneys asked and another rep, I think his title was project manager, answered the attorney.
The Venango township attorney asked some questions, the supervisors asked a few and it was after that when the residents were able to comment and ask some questions of their own.
There were no “bombshell” moments with new information, but it was very apparent more study is needed before any decision is made.